
Our reading glasses transformed necessity into accessory

Our Reading glasses

We design, produce and market reading glasses for the European market, nothing else, we breathe readers. No wonder our collections have proved to seriously outsell competitors, store data shows this time after time. Readers are a necessity but we transformed the ‘I must’ into ‘I want’. Over 50% of the population is over 40 years so take a look at your store, do you tap into this market? Do you truly service this enormous target group? Have you already transformed from “must have” to “want to have”?

Our Brands

Our brands are:

Noci Eyewear: Quality commercial frames made of 100% recycled material, including a recycled pouch and hangtag

Ear2ear Eyewear: our optrician quality collection, Sratch resistant, Anti-Glare and BlueShields lens, of course also 100% recycled, packed in a beautiful box.

Read Eyewear: Highest quality, lighter than 2 sheets of paper, thinner than an Iphone, made with Ultem frames and Blueshields Lens.

We also are exclusive manufacturer of BlueShields™ readers, blocking harmful bluelight emitted when using tablets, phones and LED screens. We have grown to become one of the key players in the European marketplace having over 250 readers in up to 9 diopters in our collection. They are directly available and dispatched from our warehouse.

Supplying both traditional retail as well as E-commerce our readers find their way to happy customers that finally have found the right one

instead of that sad rack of depressing readers in their local store.

All is supplied from a state of the art platform for fluent replenishment, online ordering and presentations. Orders are shipped in 24hrs making ordering easy and smooth, securing a J.I.T. delivery and decreasing local retail stock investments. Our displays also keep stock, so no box with stocks in the back.

We care for our environment

We also aim to take care of the environment where possible. Yes we need to pack our reading glasses to avoid scratching but if possible only the middle one. Yes, we use plastic, but biodegrable. In Germany we are registered at the Grune Punkte to compensate for our packaging. If you have any idea’s to further reduce this please let us know.

So here we are, we supply readers for retail. Do you want to know more or discuss possibilities? Get in touch! Call, E-mail or even stop by, you are always welcome.

Also should you want to receive a login to have a look at our collection or perhaps even ordering, let us know.

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